Producto desactivado | Check that the option ENABLE of the product access control configuration is activated. |
Producto incorrecto |
We have been checking this with our specialist in access control and the issue comes from the fact that the id of the product was 1 and should be 0. |
Código de barras no válido |
Encontrado en la lista negra | Check that the ticket is still valid. It may have been: cancelled, reprinted or manually added to the black list. |
Fecha incorrecta | Check the calendar linked to the product. You are probably trying to scan a ticket outside the calendar dates. |
El terminal no puede controlar el flujo | |
Zona incorrecta |
Control de flujo incorrecto |
No quedan entradas autorizadas | On the product access control configuration, check the field DAYS OF VALIDITY. The ticket has been already scanned the number of times than set on that field. |
No quedan entradas autorizadas hoy | Check the configuration of the field NUMBER OF ACCESS. The ticket has already been scanned the number of times set on that field. |
Última entrada demasiado reciente | Check the field DELAY OF INVALIDITY on the product access control configuration. The ticket has probably been scanned recently and you still need to wait some time to scan it again. |
Salida demasiado larga | Check the field CHECKOUT PERIOD. You are trying to scan a ticket IN after the checkout period is passed. |
Salida no autorizada | You are trying to scan a ticket OUT while the CHECKOUT ALLOWED? option in the product access control configuration is set to NO. |
Fecha de validez incorrecta | |
Aviso : no quedan accesos | Check the field NUMBER OF ACCESS |
Tag no válido | |
No fijado | |
Decriptor no válido | |
Día no consecutivo | Check the setting of ONLY CONSECUTIVE DAYS. It is probably set to Only Consecutive Days. |
Día consecutivo | Check the setting of ONLY CONSECUTIVE DAYS. It is probably set to Only Non Consecutive Days. |
Fecha de validez incorrecta desde la primera entrada | Check the settings of DELAY OF EXPIRATION FROM FIRST ENTRY. |
Sector lleno | |
Sector lleno (disponible forzar) | In the access control settings > Sector, check the value defined for AVAILABILITY - MAX. |
Peligro. El sector está casi lleno. | In the access control settings > Sector, check the value defined for AVAILABILITY - WARNING. |
Error Técnico | Please check with Secutix Support team. |
Fecha de la sesión incorrecta | Check the configuration of the fields ACCES TIME BEFORE EVENT and DURATION in the access control product configuration. You are probably scanning the ticket outside the authorised period. |